This is J.A.P.I.E.: Joint Art Project of Independent Extaticians. Everybody can take part in it. Below you can see the actual JAPIE pictures: On the left particularly the original picture, on the right the actual state. If you like to add something to one of the pictures, proceed as follows:
- click on the corresponding picture with the right mouse button
- select "Save as"
- save the picture on your hard disk
- edit the picture with the program of your choice
- send the altered picture back to the J.A.P.I.E..
The altered picture will apear on the right side of this page shortly with your name and date of the last alternation.
If you think that a picture is finished, if you have an appropriate title or if you'd like to add a picture to JAPIE, please inform the J.A.P.I.E. about this.
.Here are the actual projects:
^ to main page ^